Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 16/07/2018
HORA: 09:30
LOCAL: Departamento de Enfermagem

Gender, Violence and Nursing: Symbolic perspective about aggression on hospital environment


Violence; Gender; Nursing; Hospitals.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências da Saúde
ÁREA: Enfermagem

The gender violence is a problem of great proportions e with devastating consequences in the life and health of general public. This phenomenon affects the society in all of its segments, including the hospital environment, leading to damages in professionals’ life and health, also generating labor unease and reduction of productivity during work time. Among its consequences, it is possible to point out the risk regarding the execution of professional duties, that contributes for the reduction of its quality. Nursing is majorly formed by women and they are more likely to suffer gender violence for being a woman. This study has the purpose of analyzing the gender violence against professionals from the nursing team inside the hospital at a city from the Northeast of Brazil. It is about a transversal, descriptive study with a quantitative approach accomplished by two hospital units (public and private) at a city from the Northeast of Brazil. The sample is composed by female nurses, technicians and auxiliaries in nursing. The data were collected during the months of May and July of 2018, through the application of a form, previously modified by the usage of a pre-test, after the approval of the Committee of Ethic in Research form the State University of Paraiba. The data were processed by the program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 15.0, and its results presented in calculations of absolute and relative frequencies about the researched variables. A chi-square test was made to evaluate the relation between the variables. The amount of interviewed was around professionals from the nursing team, among female nurses, technicians and auxiliaries in nursing. The majority, technicians and auxiliaries in nursing (68.07%), with age from up to 35 years old (56.02%); brown skin (59.64%), married or in a stable union (59.64%), with children (68.07%). Most were catholic (57.23%), claimed to have a specialization course (51.20%) and income of between R$ 2,000.00 and R$ 3,000.00 (50.60%). Regarding the violence suffered, most of them, confirmed to have suffered some kind of violence (93.98%), being the, hospital environment, the most mentioned place (82.69%). Regarding the type of violence, the highest percentage was psychological (87.18%), being victimized in the past for more than 5 times (39.74%), having as aggression method, the words (94.87%). In relation to the aggressors, the majority identified the users of the health services (87.18%). Regarding the victim’s response after the violent act, most of them (49.36%) said that they had reported to a work mate; however, it is possible to see that 44.87% of this same amount, ignored the aggression. In relation to the physical health, 82.05% of the women had some kind of repercussion related to the violent act under the signs and/or symptoms on their body; among these, 84.38% identified the cephalea as the main physical symptom after the aggression. About the professionals’ psychological health, it was noted that 94.23% of them affirmed that they had experimented some negative repercussion. Among these, stress was the most highlighted (65.31%). Regarding the reasons that led to violence, the most quoted was the delay to be attended due to the users’ high demand (55.13%). The majority affirmed that there was physical repercussion of the violence in the work routine (82.05%) and among the presented physical symptoms, cephalea was the most answered (84.38%). Concerning the mental repercussions, the majority also showed an affirmative response (94.23%), being the stress (65.31%) the most referred symptom. Furthermore, most of the professionals (85.90%) affirmed that the violence had repercussion on the work routine. Regarding the comparison of the suffered violence characteristics and their repercussions with the nursing professionals profile, one sees evidences of statistical differences among the number of times that it was a victim of violence in the work place with the interviewed’s skin color (p=0.035). The relation between physical repercussion in the work routine also presented statistically significative result related to the interviewed’s income (p=0.043). Whereas the repercussion of the violence in the work routine showed evidences of statistical difference with the held position (p=0.002) and the interviewed’s income (p=0.030).

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