Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 31/08/2017
HORA: 10:00
LOCAL: Auditório do Museu de Ciências Morfológicas

Behavioral ecology of Hemidactylus agrius Vanzolini, 1978 and H. brasilianus (Amaral 1935) (Squamata: Gekkonidae) in two areas of Caatinga in northeastern Brazil


Foraging behavior; Trophic ecology; Behavior thermoregulation; Period of activity; Space use by lizards.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Psicologia

Lizards have been widely used in studies of behavioral ecology across the world. Although species belonging to the Gekkonidae Family are known to be sit-and-wait foragers, studies have shown that some groups present modulations in the foraging behavior. In two native species of Hemidactylus that occurr in the northeastern region of Brazil (H. agrius and H. brasilianus), data about the trophic ecology demonstrate the presence of nutrition itens of low mobility, which are uncommon in the diets of species of sit-and-wait foraging type. Adding to that, information referring to activity profiles, termal ecology and thermoregulation behavior in those species remain unclear. Another relevant matter concerns to the distribution of those species across the domain of Caatingas, since, even though they occurr in simpatry in highland areas, in some areas of “Sertaneja Depressão” there is the presence of only one species, which could be related to the specificities in the use and sharing of resources. In this sense, this thesis has as objective to analyse the foraging and thermoregulation behaviors of Hemidactylus agrius and H. brasilianus, as well as the use of resources by both species in the Caatinga. For such reason, 18-day long excursions have been taken in two areas of Caatinga with distinct traits (Caatinga latu and stricto sensu), located in the municipalities of Lagoa Nova and Serra Negra do Norte, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. In the first area both Hemidactylus species occurr in simpatry, while in the second one there is only the presence of H. agrius. Nocturnal active searches have been carried out along preexisting transects (600m). For each registered animal, notes are taken about time, habitat and micro-habitat and behavioral observations are taken by focal-animal sampling method, during 10 minutes. After which the specimens are captured and body temperature (Tc), substract temperature (Ts) and air temperature (Ta) are assessed. Parcial results have shown that both species are foragers of the sit-and-wait type, remaining in stationary posture during most of the observed time. Until this moment, in the diet analysis, 16 categories of prey have been registered, where Orthoptera, Blattaria and Lepidoptera larvae were the main itens in both investigated areas, with high overlap values between the two species, however, H. agrius has presented a greater niche amplitude. In relation to activity, both species are nocturnal with registered activity from 18:00h to 05:00h. Concerning the habitat use, H. brasilianus has used mainly areas of tree and shrubs vegetation, while H. agrius used mostly areas of rocky outcrops. The average body temperature (Tb) of H. brasilianus and H. agrius in activity in the highland area were the same at Tb =22.9 C and Tb =23.3 C, while the Tb of H. agrius in the stricto sensu Caatinga was considerably higher (Tb =26.2 C); positive correlations were obtained between the body temperatures of the species and both environmental analysed temperatures (air and substract). In relation to the behavioral degree of thermoregulation, the values obtained from both species were relatively low (Δ < 1), indicating that the behaviors of both species has a low influence on the body temperature maintenance in those environments.

Presidente - 1121066 - ELIZA MARIA XAVIER FREIRE
Externo ao Programa - 2569078 - RAFAEL CAMILO LAIA
Notícia cadastrada em: 25/08/2017 11:11
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