Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 08/03/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência (Google Meet)

MICROTERRITORIES OF RESISTANCE: Plural Displacements and Forms of Survival in the Urban Space of City Natal/RN


 Nomadism; Public place; Leisure; Resistances.

PAGES: 125
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Sociologia
SUBÁREA: Sociologia Urbana

We live in a state of global war. The new phase of the political and economic order represented by financialized transnational capitalism established a besieged reality advancing on new fields of subjective control of the population. Sovereignty operates under the logic of Necropolitics (MBEMBE, 2019) producing a series of social symptoms in individuals and in the forms of sociabilities that develop, along with this, the Politics of Disappearance (BARBOSA, 2022) excludes the traces of life of the subaltern population by capital. The great world cities, in response to the successive economic crises, joined the so-called urban entrepreneurship, an economic strategy that gives cities the character of social actors, inserted in an international route of standardized services, sold in product format. Urban entrepreneurship wherever it has established itself, as it attracts foreign capital, accelerates the process of social segregation and gentrification, based on the forced expropriation of territories and increasingly moving residents to the margins of large urban centers . When assessing the impacts of these measures on the uses of urban space, it is possible to show an increasingly sharp dispute between the interests of international financial capital and the resistance of individuals who, in groups, reframe their practices and uses of these spaces in cities based on microterritories (GOMES, 2001), true rhizomes of new possible experiences, alternative places in the sense of conferring a certain type of sociality (MAFFESOLI, 2014) inherent to the interests of the official use of these spaces. This work aimed to highlight these socialities and their political practices developed in three microterritories in the city of Natal/RN, which form alternative spaces used as meeting points for dissident nomadic groups. The methodology used was social cartography from the perspective of Deleuze and Guatarri (1997), Sueli Rolnik (1989) and Being Affected by Jeanne Favret-Saada (1977/2005) and, in this sense, we immersed ourselves in spaces, establishing a horizontal relationship with the microterritories and their visitors. As a result, we offer here the idea of Plural Displacements, forms of occupations negotiated with the public and semi-public space that result in associations between dissident groups, producing new subjectivities and reaffirming the public space as a place of learning, culture, art, leisure and resistance.

Presidente - ***.001.889-** - LORE FORTES - UFRN
Interno - ***.963.294-** - ANAXSUELL FERNANDO DA SILVA - UNILA
Externo ao Programa - ***.055.544-** - FAGNER TORRES DE FRANÇA - UFRN
Externa à Instituição - KÊNIA ALMEIDA NUNES - IFBA
Externa à Instituição - MIKELLY GOMES DA SILVA - UFPI
Notícia cadastrada em: 01/03/2023 15:35
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