Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 30/09/2019
HORA: 17:00
LOCAL: Sala 10 do DPP (CCHLA)

URBAN REGULARIZATION OF URBAN SOCIAL INTEREST: an evaluation of the implementation of the “Past Paper” in Natal/RN


Urban land regularization; REURB; public policy evaluation; Papel Passado; Law 13.465.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Sociologia
SUBÁREA: Sociologia Urbana

The present research proposal has as its objective to evaluate the implementation of the urban land regularization project of social interest with the support of the “Papel Passado” Program in the city of Natal-RN. The research covers two periods: the first, from 2013 - when the process started – to 2016, under Law n. 11.977/2009, which adopted the model of Full Land Regularization and the right to the city; and the second, from 2017 to 2019, under Law n. 13.465/2017, which replaced the previous model with another one focused on property titling. The “Papel Passado” Program was formulated as a curative public policy instrument to address the need to improve the living conditions of irregular settlements, as a form of socioeconomic integration and the realization of the right of access to adequate housing, which occurs through land regularization, that involves a set of legal, urban, environmental and social dimensions. However, despite having been created with this broad objective, the means and instruments adopted in program design seem to prioritize legal measures, which points to misalignment in program design between the overall objectives of the public action and the means and instruments chosen to reach them. In view of this, the following questions are asked: a) What aspects, in the initial program/project design, adhere to or oppose the model of full land regularization and the right to the city? b) how the recent change in the legal framework of land regularization brought by Provisional Measure n. 759/2016, converted into Law n. 13.465/2017, influenced the implementation of the project of land regularization of social interest with support of the “Papel Passado” Program in the city of Natal? c) What are the possible impacts and adverse effects associated with the new legal framework for land regularization? It is assumed that the legislative amendment brought with the adoption of Provisional Measure n. 759/2016, converted into Law n. 13.465/2017, focusing on property titling, contributed to the achievement of the goals and objectives set in the program/project design of urban land regularization of social interest supported by the “Papel Passado” Program in Natal, as they also prioritize legal measures, but may be associated with the production of impacts and undesirable effects. The two main fields of study of our research are: land regularization in the context of urban policy, and public policy evaluation, in particular implementation evaluation. The methodological theoretical framework is supported by authors such as FERNANDES (2006b; 2011), ALFONSIN (1997), SMOLKA (2003), SAULE JUNIOR (2006), DRAIBE (2001), ARRETCHE (2001). The qualitative evaluation research involves: literature review on the themes of urban land regularization and public policy evaluation, in particular implementation evaluation; legal research, conducted from the comparison between the legal provisions of Law n. 11.977/2009 and Law n. 13.465/2017; bibliographic research in the Manuals and Booklets on land regularization of the Brazilian Ministry of Cities; documentary research; semi-structured and unstructured interviews with key program actors: managers, technicians, legal advisors, representatives of the communities involved.

Externo ao Programa - 2432718 - ALEXSANDRO FERREIRA CARDOSO DA SILVA
Externa ao Programa - 350504 - MARIA DULCE PICANÇO BENTES SOBRINHA
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/09/2019 10:11
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