Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 12/07/2017
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Auditório do LGGP I

Meso and microscopic analysis of deformation bands in porous sandstone: Application in the Tucano (BA) and Rio do Peixe (PB) basins


Deformation bands, faults, Tucano basin.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
ÁREA: Geociências

In the Tucano Basin, along the transition zone between Central and North Tucano subbasins, many areas is marked by the presence of deformation bands (Dbs) and related faults. These structures are developed in porous sandstones of the Ilhas Group. The Bds appear as singles or clusters, which dimensions vary from metric to centimetric. Structural analysis of these structures revealed that they are formed during different stages of rock lithification (from pre to post lithification. Cataclase was recognized as the main mechanism of formation theses structures. Several sets of faults are related to these Dbs and show evolutionary interrelationship. The main set of fault trends NESW with subordinately sets trending NNW-SSE and N-S. The kinematic analysis allowed us to characterize the NE-SW faults as normal occurring associated with a pair of transcurrent faults (N-S dextral and NE-SW sinistral). The second set of structures comprises oblique N-S trending faults containing NNW-SSE medium to high rake striaes and may appear to rework the previous normal faults, indicating a reactivation stage, linked to an NNW-SSE extensional field. A third, more complex deformational event involves the development of a population of faults, also normal oblique, but now with NE-SW trending (with an NE or SW plunging striation) and additionally NE-SW inverse faults and NE- SW dextral transcurrent faults also developed. In this way, it is suggested that the In the Tucano Basin, transition zone between Central and North Tucano sub-basins, several regions occur with a presence
of series bands (Bds) and faults related to them appear to affect porous sandstones of the Ilhas Group. As Bds presented as individual (single) or joint (clusters) of various dimensions (metric to centimetric). An analysis and structures as part of it, which relates to the propaganda of host rocks as well as the relationship with formational
events that affected the area studied. A cataclase was recognized as the main mechanism of formation of Bds. As failures and as Bds show evolutionary interrelationship, where as failures represent the final record of the sum of the displacement across clusters planes. These failures originate from a main NE-SW and subordinately NNW-SSE and N-S. A kinematic analysis allowed us to characterize as NE-SW faults how to do normal type with NW-SE streaks associated with a pair of transcurrent faults (N-S dextral and NE-SW sinistral). The second set of structures
comprises oblique N-S tendency faults containing NNW-SSE medium to high rake striations and may appear to rework the previous normal failure planes, indicating a reactivation, linked to an NNW-SSE traction field. A third, more complex deformational event involves the development of a population of faults, also normal oblique, with NESW trend and NE or SW plunging striaes. Additionally, NE-SW inverse faults and dextral NE- SW faults also occur. In this way, it is suggested that the basin was affected by at least three deformational events, two extensional ones NW-SE (D1) and NNW-SSE (D2) and a compressional NW-SE one (D3). The second area of study, Rio do Peixe Basin (PB), exhibits nice curved deformation bands occurring in the sandstones of the Antenor Navarro Formation. These Dbs were also studied from the geometric point of view. In this case, a meso and microscopic analysis revealed an incipient cataclase with dextral movement. Deformation bands are important mainly because the role they can play during the fluid flow (conduct or barrier). 

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Notícia cadastrada em: 05/07/2017 10:16
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