
The program

Created in 1999, with its activities started in the year 2000, the Graduate and Research Program in Geography of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - PPGe / UFRN, has been establishing a new paradigm in the qualified training of personnel in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, being a landmark in the academic activities of teaching and research in the field of Geography of the region.

The Graduate and Research Program in Geography of UFRN has as its Area of Concentration “Socioenvironmental Dynamics and Territorial Restructuring”, and since its implementation, it has promoted the production of academic knowledge on the subject through a process of expansion and strengthening of the teaching, research, and outreach actions conducted in its three Lines of Research "Territory, State and Planning", "Urban and Regional Dynamics" and "Geo-environmental Dynamics, Risks and Spatial Planning".

The Graduate and Research Program in Geography has Master’s degree and Doctoral Programs, the latter approved in 2012, based on the acknowledgment of the importance of the Program's actions.

Counting on a cohesive faculty and an increasingly engaged student body, the Program's Research and Outreach Projects, as well as the Academic Productions developed in its scope, including Dissertations and Theses, have enabled a closer approximation between academic knowledge and society, making it possible to confront the existing challenges in the field of Geography.

Currently, the Graduate and Research Program in Geography, according to the CAPES’s evaluation criteria, has grade 5.

Alternative Address

Program Coordination


    Telephone number: (84) 3342-2222

    Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment



    Telephone number: Not available at this moment

    Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment


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