The course of Bachelor of Physical Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN began in 2005. It was built from the demands generated by the CNE / CES 0058/2004 and Resolution CNE / CES 7/2004, which deal on the National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Courses Physical Education.
This course provides training graduate (Bachelor) of general nature, based on biological foundations, philosophical, humanistic, critical and are qualifiers for a professional intervention quality.
The guiding principle of the course is physical activity, health and quality of life, observing the peculiarities of the existing faculty, the institutional context, the demands of the labor market in line with the characteristics, interests and needs of society.
Given this general characteristic, according to the Professional Intervention paper in Physical Education of the Federal Council of Physical Education - CONFEF, the Bachelor of Physical Education graduated from UFRN can intervene in six (6) areas concernetes the bachelor field, which are:
1) Sports training; 2) Recreation; 3) Physical preparation; 4) Guidance on physical activity; 5) Management of physical education and sports; and 6) physical evaluation.
The course of Bachelor of Physical Education UFRN is to reformulate their Pedagogical Political Project process in the year 2016. It aims to be a substantial change to meet the social demand for professional and academic training to operate within the public health.

The Department of Physical Education UFRN has an Academic Center (CA ), the Fan Page is . Access and talk with students of DEF . Join and participate in the CA DEF


E-mail: Not available at this moment

Professional Title: Bacharel em Educação Física CNPQ's Knowledge Area: Ciências da Saúde Academic Agreement : Not available at this moment Course Modality: Presencial
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  • 10/01/2024 - 17/01/2024 · Enrollment for the semester 2024.1.
  • 26/02/2024 · Start of semester 2024.1.
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